Thursday, 7 February 2013

Random 3D models

This post will be showing many incomplete 3D models which i have worked o since the beginning of the 2nd year of college.

This is what I am working on right now which is for my project for the end of the year.

I attempted to box model the torso which went well, and then I attempted modelling the legs out of a cylinder which I then combined with the torso to make it into one object.

The model you see here is from a tutorial which I attempted from digital tutors called introduction to Maya 2013. This helped me develop a core understanding in Maya features.

Here I used many methods in modelling this aircraft which I learned from digital tutors how to use useful features that Maya offers such as, special duplicates, taking advantages to of the nurbs tool which help you get the right shapes for certain objects, box modelling and more. 

Left side

As you see I am only working on one side of the model since later on after completing one side it will be mirrored across the other side.

Front view

Perspective of a box modelled airplane.

I attempted this 3D modelling using box modelling method which was difficult to align and get a round shape for the plane.

In this picture I used a NURBS circles which I shaped up each and lofted it to create the plane body.

This picture shows a very simple object created out of CV curves which was lofted to create the barrel model. I then got the right texture for it and applied bump map to create a detailed texture effect.

This was one of the first projects which I had to work in college. I had to make a kitchen.
 Perspective view 1

Perspective view 2


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